Adolescent Issues
Adolescence is a turbulent developmental phase, where hormones and emotions run high. Adolescents are typically self-centered and narcissistic, and typically think of their needs first, often at the expense of their parents or other family members. …

Attachment Disorders
Children and/or adults who have experienced a trauma in their life often have difficulty forming healthy attachments. Below are some of the behaviors common to this area of difficulty. Extreme urge to control others (bossiness) Too much …

Forensic Psychology Evaluations
Dr. Herschman has experience in conducting various Psychological Evaluations addressing questions such as, fitness to parent, termination of parental rights, bonding assessments, best interest evaluations, and risk assessments.

Mood Disorders/Anxiety
Daily life challenges can often contribute to depression and anxiety. No one is immune from these feelings at some point in their life; however, some have more significant issues than others. Stress and depression can occur from positive, as …

Relationship Issues
Healthy relationships are often the key to happiness, whether it be with a partner, family member, or friend. Common attitudes, values, and actions allow healthy relationships to flourish. Even when both partners are in love with each other, a …